Wanna know my process for managing anger in real life situations??

Then listen in to this quick episode as I talk with Mindfully Balanced Therapy’s Kimerleigh about how to manage anger with breathwork and other somatic tools.

We all experience anger, frustration

& irritation… how do you manage

it in a healthy way??

What was your biggest take away from this episode?? Do you think you’ll try these techniques the next time you feel a flood of negative emotion? Let me know in the comments!

For those who want 1:1 support from me in this arena, consider a breathwork session or a more in depth Breakthrough session with a combo of breathwork and coaching. I can help you learn how to use these skills so that you feel more empowered, balanced and capable of manging your emotions in a healthy way. 

Your emotions don’t have to rule you, nor do you have to stuff and deny them…cuz they always end up coming out anyway, and it can cause unnecessary stress and chaos. You CAN learn to honor your feelings, learn from them and move them through your system quickly…this my friends, is a practice in true freedom.


    Sending you peace, blessings & love.