Thank you for visiting, beautiful soul…

I want to celebrate your curiosity & openness to your inner calling towards self love and breathwork.  I’ve got a few freebies for you on this page, so please pick one that calls to you. I’d LOVE to hear how it’s helped you so feel free to send me an email or DM on IG.

With each freebie you’ll be added to my email list for updates, sneak peaks, first access and more!

What’s the #1 distraction that disconnects us from our bodies and interferes with our visceral human connections?


They get to be a tool that we use to our advantage, not an addiction that uses us. Get your guide to having healthy boundaries with your devices and electronics today!

Check out my free e-book to get some great tips for practicing self care.

Self care is a form of self love.

Registration is now open for the Sun, Sea & Self-Love Retreat in Costa Rica!!!

Click the button to learn more about this incredible experience!

(C) 2020 LaGoy Ventures LLC

(C) 2020 LaGoy Ventures LLC