Do you ever feel overwhelmed to the point where you just shut down or can’t focus on anything?

Do you know how it feels to have a million things to do but can’t focus on even one thing??

Well I sure know something about how this feels and I have a feeling you do too.  I want to share with you some practical steps to take the next time you feel so overwhelmed that you just can’t function.

What happens when you feel overwhelmed? 

Do you shut down? Do you sleep in longer than usual? Do you feel heavy?

Do you feel panicked? Do you feel tight or constricted?

I know that I typically feel a heaviness and stickiness in my body, sometimes achy even, and I notice that I’m not communicating as much or that it’s hard for me to focus on the positive or feel motivated. I often get really indecisive as well.

 A wise teacher once explained it this way:  when you’re stressed and overwhelmed, you can think of it like being in muddy water, your view completely obscured by all the silt and dirt kicked up from the bottom.

So what do we do??

Try the following 5 steps to help you overcome feeling overwhelmed, and see clearly again.

1- Be Still

The more you keep moving the murkier the water gets, and you just get more frustrated. So be still and remember to breathe.  Recognize and acknowledge how you feel. Stop and say out loud even if you are alone “I am feeling overwhelmed.” Take a moment to put your hand on your chest and take 4 deep slow breathes with your eyes closed. Then say “This feeling will pass. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am enough. I am loved.”

2- Journal 

Ok next you write it out. Release writing or brain dumping, is a great way to express and organize your racing thoughts and become the observer of them instead. It can also lead to experiencing a suppressed emotion that needs to surface and be felt. So give yourself at least 15 mins to sit down alone and do this. Just start writing anything and everything that comes to mind and notice how it makes you feel.

3- Body Release

This is my favorite step…shake it out! You can do a simple shaking exercise or you can dance, I love therapeutic free dancing myself. You can do yoga or jump around or go for a run. Maybe just a brisk walk or bouncing on a trampoline. Whatever you do make sure it feels good, like relief. And I really encourage you to try and have fun with it, but if it brings up more negative emotions then that’s ok, just express and release them. This means yell or cry if you feel the urge. 

4- Reset & Recover

Once you’ve completed those steps I suggest drinking a glass of water and either taking a nap or a hot epsom salt bath (or both!) to reset and recover. You can also substitute or add in listening to a funny or uplifting podcast or youtube video, or perhaps your favorite feel good music. Maybe you want to read. What ever it is, do it then let it lead you into the final step.

5- Gratitude

Make a list of things you are grateful for, big and small. Your coffee, your house, your health, the sunny day, the sound of laughter.  Whatever you list, try to visualize how it feels to be thankful for each thing you list. Let the gratitude flow through your body. Spend at least 5 minutes practicing this but take as much time as you need.

Peace & Clarity

Once you have followed all 5 steps, take a moment to recognize that by now you have allowed the mud in the water to settle, because you were still and focused on caring for yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Now you can see with greater clarity, and begin to feel inspired as to which direction to go next.

This 5 step method might work for you, and if not then be open to trying different things and paying attention to what method works best for you.

Maybe this method is great, but you need to go back and do it again until you achieve full clarity. Perhaps spend more time expressing and releasing emotions, or more time moving your body. Ask yourself what you need more of, then do it. 

Until next time, remember you are beautiful,

you are loved and you are capable of creating the life you want.

Peace & Love
